How to Solve Online Debates with Polls

I once heard a podcast on my commute to school about how a group of people online had guessed the weight of a cow that closely matched the cow’s weight. On the other hand, when the same question was asked to experts they had the furthest answer from the actual weight.

Recently with all the news about decentralized autonomous organizations, also known as DAOs, everywhere you look. I took my notepad and wrote down what I think a DAO could be. So without hesitation, I started brainstorming and came down to online public and private polls. If we trust big groups will make better decisions, why not make a website for decision-making?

This brings me to my point “” With ABpoll, users can gather choices and make their peers or organizations vote on the go, no matter how large or small. You might say, “Other social media platforms already have polls integrated into them.”

  • Our network will give you a detailed analysis of why people chose that.
  • You can see what your friends chose and get to know them better.
  • You will have voice debate areas.

In conclusion, my take on DAOs is still fresh and currently in no way decentralized but decentralized. We will keep adding features, but If you want to help me build this or have any ideas or warnings moving forward, feel free to reach out.